Saturday, October 31, 2009

Levelling Up Fast

To level up your XP fast, follow these guidelines.

1. Cook The Burgers. Lots of Them. The Burgers give you 6 XPs every 5 minutes. In 1 hour, that is equal to 72 XP per stove.

2. Visit all Your Friend's Cafes everyday.

3. Never leave any stove empty. Always cook something.

Buy 12 Experience Points for 90 Coins

If you have lots of money and want to level up your experience points (XP) fast, you can try making the 2 hour dish called Caramel Apples. You will only be able to make this dish once you reach a certain level.

This dish provides you with 12 XPs. Simply delete the dish once done. You lose 90 coins but you gain 12 XP in the amount of time it takes you to click to prepare the dish. That is like 12 XP in less than 10 seconds!

Remove the Doors

Notice how your buzz rating is dropping??
There are a number of reasons...
1. Customers are waiting for tables and leave because the restaurant is full.
2. Customers are not served food as there is no food on the counters
Sometimes, it is just impossible to keep up with all the cooking.
This will cause your buzz rating to go down and down.
The best way to do it is to remove all the doors to your cafe!
This gives you all the time in the world to cook and prepare your stuff.
To remove the doors, simply click on the functional tab (the screw like picture), drag your existing doors into it and your cafe becomes closed.
This buys you the time to prepare all your food. Once you are ready, simply drag a door to where you would like customers to come in from.

Trap Your Waiters

Trap your waiters by building the counters in such a manner that they cannot come out. In this manner, your waiters do not have to move around to serve the food. The food is automatically served!

You have to be careful about the restaurant layout though. I have encountered situations where the food is not served at certain tables in the restaurant. Just play around with the table layout and the problem should be solved.